Since EUROCALL was established in 1993, the organisation has attracted members not only from Europe, but also from all over the world. There are four categories of membership: 

  • Online: open to any individual who is sympathetic to EUROCALL’s aims. This includes university lecturers, schoolteachers and staff of commercial organisations applying in a private capacity. The online membership is also open to new EU Member Countries, retired colleagues, and students studying for a higher degree at a recognised Higher Education Institution. Students must provide their supervisor’s (or course director’s) name and email address.
  • Three Year Membership: members can now choose to join the organisation for a three year period.
  • CALICO: members of CALICO may join EUROCALL for a reduced rate of 55 euros. This is through a reciprocal arrangement with CALICO.

Membership is valid for 12 months from the day payment is received by the EUROCALL Office.



There are two ways by which you can subscribe to EUROCALL:

  • online (via credit card or Paypal)
  • by bank transfer

The online option enables you to pay, via Paypal’s secure server, with your credit card or, if you have one, from your Paypal account.

If you wish to pay by bank transfer, you need to download and fill in out the subscription form [appform2014 (PDF version | appform2014 (Word version)] and return it, together with proof of your bank transfer, to the EUROCALL Office by post or by email. Please contact Toni Patton who will send you the bank details.