The aims of the CorpusCALL SIG are:
- To enable members to share information on applications of corpora in language learning and teaching.
- To take advantage of the international membership of EUROCALL to share information on applications in as many languages as possible.
- To gather information on work in progress, projects and products of members of the SIG and disseminate it via the website of the SIG.
- To participate actively in EUROCALL conferences and contribute articles on this field to EUROCALL-related publications.
- To organise EUROCALL pre-conference workshops.
- To encourage invitations for members of the group to visit each other’s institutions with a view to developing collaboration.
- To develop joint funded projects.
- To liaise with the BAAL Corpus Linguistics SIG and with the Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC) conference on matters of mutual interest.
Further information is available in the member’s area.