EUROCALL Review 22:1 (with added sound!)
A message below from Ana Gimeno-Sanz, editor of the peer-reviewed EUROCALL Review. The mute PDF version of Vol 22 No 1 is on this website in the Review section.
Dear colleagues,
Just to let you know that Vol. 22, No. 1 of The EUROCALL Review is now available, in 2 browser formats due to the inclusion of audio files in Ton Koenraad’s very interesting interview article – “Expert views on how language education may develop in the next 20 years and what CALL could contribute”. Other featured articles are:
Developing students’ listening metacognitive strategies using online videotext self-dictation-generation learning activity. Ching Chang, Chih-Kai Chang.
Integrating Multimedia ICT Software in Language Curriculum: Students’ Perception, Use, and Effectiveness. Nikolai Penner and Elzbieta Grodek.
Curating and nudging in virtual CLIL environments. Helle Lykke Nielsen.
Impact of iPod Touch-Supported Repeated Reading on the English Oral Reading Fluency of L2 students with Specific Learning Difficulties. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous and Marina Charalambous.
Happy reading and listening!!!