EUROCALL Teacher Education SIG - Call for proposals


The EuroCALL Teacher Education SIG is organising a Full Day Workshop in the context of the 25th EUROCALL conference which will be held at the University of Southampton, 23-26 August 2017 ( . The theme of the Conference is “CALL in a Climate of Change: Adapting to Turbulent Global Conditions”. Proposals addressing the theme from a theoretical and/ or practical perspective in relation to the many forms and contexts of CALL are particularly welcome. Submissions may include, but are not restricted to:

  • creativity in CALL pedagogy
  • developing strategies for teacher education and professional development
  • mobile learning in CALL
  • learning analytics and CALL design
  • open educational resources and practice in language learning
  • innovative practice in blended language learning
  • the design and practice of LMOOCs (language related massive open online courses)
  • telecollaboration and CMC
  • gamification and virtual reality
  • Online Communities of Practice for language educators
  • the use of technology tools for professional development


Important dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submissions: 25 January 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2017
  • Early-bird registrations: 2 June 2017


Submission guidelines

To submit your proposal you should use the online abstract submission system which has been developed using OpenConf, an open source programme. Complete the form and submit your proposal by January 25th 2017. ( An e-mail acknowledging receipt will automatically be sent to you. Please note your password for future reference (Remember to check your spam filter if the e-mail notification does not reach you). The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of the form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to your submission. After adding your abstract into the system please type the indication ‘Teacher Education SIG Full Day session’ at the end of your abstract.

As soon as you submit your abstract send an email with the title of your abstract to the Chair of the SIG Dr Christina Nicole Giannikas ( and the
Secretary of the SIG Elis Kakoulli Constantinou ( ). This is essential for organisational purposes.

The conference language is English and all proposals must be submitted in English. Workshops for the Teacher Education SIG Full Day Workshop are either 90 minutes or half a day in duration and typically involve a hands-on session, where participants have the opportunity to become familiar with the latest developments in relevant topic areas in language teaching and learning and tools associated with these. We particularly welcome workshop proposals addressing the conference theme from theoretical and/or practical perspectives. The proposal should include the intended duration of the workshop, its main purpose, and a brief outline of topics and activities covered as well as technical requirements.


Format of abstracts

All presentation categories require a submission of an abstract that does not exceed 500 words, excluding the title, names and affiliations. You should provide 3 or 4 keywords too. You can type your abstract directly onto the online form or paste a previously edited text. Plain text should be used. Do not use any formatting elements (bold or italics, bullets, list elements, symbols, borders, lines, etc.) The abstract system does not accept charts, tables, graphics or photos.

Before adding your abstract to the system, it is advisable to check the number of words and typing errors using a word processor. Please make sure that you do not use your name or refer to your home institution in the abstract itself, otherwise your proposal will be automatically rejected. These details should be provided in the Biography section of the submission form. Please do not forget to type the indication ‘Teacher Education SIG Full Day session’ at the end of your abstract before submitting your proposal.


Entering the submission system

You can enter the Submission System by selecting the link below which will open a new window in your browser. In this window you should go through the following steps:

  • Enter the submission system by clicking on ‘Authors: Make submission’
  • Complete the submission form and submit your proposal.
  • With the submission ID and your password, you can enter this system again: select “Edit a submission” or “Withdraw a submission” from the AUTHORS menu, and edit or withdraw your submission.
  • Whenever you update a submission, the system will automatically send the contact author an e-mail confirming successful update.
  • You can modify your saved abstracts at any time during the submission period.
  • During this process, you can contact the programme chairs by e-mail ( for assistance.
  • The results of the blind-reviewing process will be notified to submitters of proposals on 31 March 2017.


Submission link

Click this link to submit your abstract:

Looking forward to receiving your proposals!