ReCALL Call for Guest Editors - Special Issue May 2021



Call for Guest Editors

Special Issue – May 2021

ReCALL is seeking proposals from Guest Editors for a special issue of the journal to be published in May 2021 (vol. 33, n° 2). Proposals should be submitted to no later than 30th July 2019, and will be evaluated for their relevance to the ReCALL readership, their timeliness and their academic quality.

 About ReCALL: aims and topics

The primary focus of ReCALL is the use of current technologies for language learning and teaching, including all relevant aspects of research and development. Proposals from Guest Editors should be firmly connected to this area and relate to the journal’s stated aims:

 ReCALL is the journal of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL). It seeks to fulfil the stated aims of EUROCALL as a whole, and more particularly to promote the use of foreign languages within Europe and beyond, providing an international focus for the promulgation of innovative research in the area of computer-assisted language learning and technology-enhanced language learning in education and training.

 The journal publishes research articles that report on empirical studies (quantitative or qualitative); provide rigorous meta-analyses or other syntheses or surveys; or contribute to theoretical, epistemological or methodological debates. Typical subjects for submissions include foreign or second language learning and development in technology-rich learning environments; theoretical debate and practical applications at developmental stage; evaluative studies of the potential of technological advances in the delivery of language learning materials and enactment of language learning activities; and discussions of policy and strategy at institutional and discipline levels.

 ReCALL is an international journal published by Cambridge University Press with a 2017 impact factor of 2.206 (JCR) and indexed in 19 major databases worldwide. For further information, see:


For preliminary enquiries, please contact Alex Boulton and Sylvie Thouësny:;


Proposal format

Special issues are usually topic-based but may have a different focus such as to explore situations, participants, interactions, research methodologies, underlying approaches, etc. – always with a strong empirical and theoretical foundation. Collaborative proposals are particularly welcome. The most recent special issues of the journal are:

  • 2 Interactions for language learning in and around virtual worlds
  • 3 Multimodal environments in CALL
  • 2 Researching uses of corpora for language teaching and learning

Proposals should include information in the following sections:

  1. The proposed title of the special issue
  2. An outline of the chosen theme, timeliness of special issue, and target readership (one page)
  3. A draft Call for Papers (one page)
  4. Names, affiliations, contact details, short biographical information and selected publications for the proposed Guest Editors (one page each)
  5. A selection of recent literature relevant to the proposed issue (one page)
  6. A list of potential reviewers including and in addition to the ReCALL Editorial board (one page); see


The role of Guest Editors

Guest editors will work in close collaboration with the Editor of ReCALL, whose role is to oversee and manage the editorial procedure (dissemination of the Call for Papers, refereeing process, communication with authors, preparation of manuscript for publication, etc.). Duties of Guest Editors include:

  • writing a Call for Papers;
  • selecting and allocating reviewers for submitted and invited papers in collaboration with the journal editors;
  • selecting papers for the volume on the basis of the peer review; Guest Editors are in charge of acceptance/rejection/revision and resubmission decisions and liaise closely with the Editor on each of these decisions;
  • helping authors respond to reviewers’ and Guest Editors’ comments to improve the quality of each paper;
  • writing an Editorial to the special issue;
  • assisting the Editor in preparing the manuscript of the volume in accordance with the published guidelines, so as to facilitate the publisher’s work;
  • checking the publisher’s proofs.



            15th July 2019:  Deadline for submission of proposals from Guest Editors

            15th September 2019:  Decision by Editor advised by the Editorial Board

            30th September 2019:  Call for papers

            30th March 2020:  Deadline for submission of papers

            30th January 2021:  Deadline for finalizing complete manuscript

              1st May 2021:  Publication (articles will appear earlier on line in FirstView)


For further information contact: 

Editor: Alex Boulton

Journal Administrator: Sylvie Thouësny